Sunday, June 28, 2009
Epic Racing in BC! Who will it be?
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Emily Batty is determining her fate at the Canadian Cup!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Monavie Cannondale " A New Look, Emv Drink"

Check out the Monavie Convention at
Truth is, if you like it or not computer and instrumentaion technologies continue to advance, and our ability to provide useful information to cyclists and coaches is making a huge difference.
Accurate interpretation and effective "preaching" of the data provided by these high-tech devices will demand a "strong voice", someone willing to take a stand up to all!

Think about it, these guys come from all over and they are perhaps the strongest 2009 "mtb" team going! They have already won about 22 races this year alone and to get their ears, you best know how to make everyone of them faster.
It's easy to be cynical about college athletics. Sure, it's athletics, but it's often less collegiate and more corporate. Schools sue each other over marketing rights and the term "student athlete" seems as much an oxymoron as "business ethics" or "honest politician."
We know how the cycling "business ethics" is naught! Today, it seems to be fair play to email, skype, twitter, text message at will what another person or team is doing? Perhaps that form of networking, keeping tabs is good for road teams to keep up? But mtb is different! It is you and the course, not so much a team and pack fill!
In road, you can bring together top guns to help you win!
I would hate to think that our fit is based on just what we say at some race camp for pedaling instructions for our rivals to copy! Who's doing what?
It's our software that our rivals don't have that makes a difference. If the fit is off, your game will never have a chance i.e. just like hitting a golf shot, you might have the best swing, but if you don't make contact with the ball? Yeah, Right, Whatever!!!
US Cup East #4 Cowbell "Super Hot Results"
Wobble-naught fitted racers heat it up! When things tax your body, like in this this race, is when the smallest of adjustments can make a difference! Again, any negative fit will lower your performance. This is the second year that a WN user has won the race! If you don't care about the smallest % of heat, don't expect to outgun your rivals when things heat up. You only have about 22% energy to tap into, the rest is heat! If you don't have your bike dialed just so, you are going to "over heat" because you are working harder.
Carey Lowery, fitted by WN & Myo-facts sEMG/Dartfish dealer Eddie O'Dea takes first over Specialized Rebecca Rusch who was on our fits for years until she was hired by Specialized. Rebecca Tomaszewski was fitted by WN & Myo-facts sEMG/Dartfish dealer Andy Applegate and she takes third, while Andy Applegate (a working man) takes 6th in the Elite men.
Carey Lowery also put down the fastest lap for the field in the punishing heat. Goes to show you if you have your bike right you can go!
In Sunday’s cross country race, Thomas Turner (Bear Naked/Cannondale) and Sam Koerber (Gary Fisher 29er Crew) battled in a sprint to the finish. Sam Koerber has also been fitted by Andy Applegate, with Tom Turner taking the win by just two seconds, and both averaging lap times of just under 34 minutes for the eight-mile course.
Elite men
Thomas Turner
Sam Koerber
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Muscles & Movement!

Another factor that describes a moving object is it's state of motion at the time viewed!
Accurate determination of the moving body part is made only through "frame-by-frame analysis of videotape"
Stroke efficiency and it's effectiveness can only be a learning process or be tested in competition!
How many muscles move the lower extremity(##)?
What causes the movement?
Ask the person who teaches you this question?
If they don't know, how can they teach?
Modern equipment and Net Thrust!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Boise's 70.3 Ironman How'd They Do That?
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
More truth & facts! Disc Burner 6 &12 hr & Teva Games, CO!
Our Principles and Concepts of Legged Locomotion seem to be getting high grades over all comer's?
The mechanics and energetics of cycling powered by the endoskeleton system is standing the test of ideas, after all we are invertebrates! We are not a exoskeleton system like some ideas think?
Humans do well to use about 22% of available chemical energy. The rest is liberated as heat. The value of efficiency depends on the positional zones on the bicycle.
WN-Myofacts sweeps the podium at the Disc Burner at Knoxville, TN., both 6H &12H.
| 7:13 AM (6 hours ago) |
Knoxville, TN
6 Hour Solo Male
1. Andy Applegate (Velo Sport)
6 Hour Solo Female
1. Carey Lowery (55nine Performance)
12 Hour Solo Male
1. Jarret Kinder (55nine Performance)
12 Hour Solo Female
1. Susan Williams (55nine Performance)
12 Hour Duo Open
1. Topeak-Ergon Eddie & Namrita O'Dea (55nine Performance)
All on them are on the WN-Myofacts fit! That is a very telling trend.
Eddie O'Dea
55nine Performance
Women's results
- 1 138 COMPTON Katie Colorado Springs 1:34:22
- 2 314 GOULD Georgia Fort Collins 1:35:00 38.25 WN & Myo-facts sEMG/Dartfish
- 3 191 IRMIGER Heather Boulder 1:36:34 2:11.99
- 4 257 SAWICKI Pua Yucaipa 1:38:19 3:57.15 WN & Myo-facts sEMG/Dartfish
- 5 385 FREEMAN Judy Boulder, CO 1:41:35 7:13.16 WN & Myo-facts sEMG/Dartfish "Nat Ross"
- Do you want to get better or do you want to
- pay good money for something less?
- Our racers love the new mass marketing ideas!
- It allows them to have a very real edge!
- They tell us they can put some real time on their rivals.
- Truth & Fact are in the from short races to long races, we get Results!
Monday, June 08, 2009
Jeremiah Bishop (Mona Vie Cannondale) " #1 Hoo-ha" by 6 mins!
Complex sequential movements, such as mtb cylcing, requiring a higher skill and must be broken down into phases before an orderly analysis can be delineated!
In other words you can't use a static trainer to find more performance!
Jeremiah wins Massanutten Hoo-ha by 6 min! This single track course puts big demands on handling skills and that is key for a mtb setup!
Before there was front-suspension, clipless pedals, and 9-speed rear cassettes there was the Massanutten Hoo-Ha. An East coast tradition since 1989, the Hoo-Ha has been a showcase event for riders up and down the Eastern seaboard.
Majestic Massanutten Resort is a 6,000 plus acre get-away located in beautiful northern Virginia on the edge of George Washington National Forest. Massanutten Resort offers 25 miles of pristine single-track mountain bike trails.
George Willets has been involved with the Hoo-Ha since it’s inception, first as a racer and now as one of the event’s promoters. Willets can’t say enough about the uniqueness of the Hoo-Ha and the local cycling culture. “Harrisonburg and the local area is really the hub of East Coast cycling. We have an outstanding trail system, which just keeps getting better. The Shenandoah Valley Bicycle Coalition (SVBC) builds all our local trails with the help and input of phenomenal riders like Jeremiah Bishop and the outstanding Sue Haywood.”
We know what goes up, must come down, plus move all around!
We also noted that 2nd was taken by another WN & Myo-facts/Dartfish user "Sam Koerber (Gary Fisher 29er" who was fitted by Andy Applegate in Western NC.
We called Andy Applegate to check how his fitting services are going. He said, super! He loves the fact that there is major fiitng rival service in the very town I grew up in. He also pointed out that he did a 6 hour race and had a 40 min. lead at the end of the event.
There are 434 muscles, 75 pairs that work with posture & movement!
A tendon collects and transmits forces from many different muscle fibers onto a small area of bone, the site of the tendinous attachment. The structure of the insertion of the tendon onto the bone and it's behavior under mechanical loading (its size and shape, speed) of loading on it are some of the major factors of its strength.
During normal activity a tendon experiences only 25% of maximal stress; very rapid, unexpected stretches of a tendon are common conditons for tendon rupture. For example, having your heel unexpectedly drop into a hole in the the ground could cause rupture of the
Achilles tendon i.e. heel down pedaling style.
So a word on muscle insertions and levers. When a muscle contracts strongly, it tends to move both of the bones to which it is attached, but to simplify the problem it is usually assumed that the bone moving least is more stationary (more proxiamal) vs. the (more distal) moving bone. The muscle insertion (whether proximal or distal) is the place where the force is applied to the bone.
The musculoskeletal machine is basically an arrangement providing relatively large forces for the rapid manipulation of long lever arms. The mechanical system possesses a low mechanical advantage, with the result that high speeds of motion are made possible only at the price of great exertion.
Its the internal structure of muscles - that is, the arrangement of their fibers-bears an much over looked relation to the force and distance of their contraction. The fiber and physiologic cross-sectional area is needed to better understand what it is you want to do i.e. long & slender muscles are not capable of producing large forces. However, these types of muscle can shorten through a large distance and can have higher shortening velocities. You just need to know what phase you need to start the shortening!
From cost to cost Mona Vie Cannondale mtb team is getting super results!
What's in your game?
Check for more race coverage at
Sunday, June 07, 2009
Sue Butler (Monavie Cannondale) teaches climbing at Mt. Hood.
We know why Hometown favourite Butler takes Wy’East ahead of surging Pital
We where on the phone w/ Sue about what to focus on!
Sue Butler lives in a area (Portland, OR)where cycling fits are as common as wearing a helmet! She could have any fit solution she wants!
When you don't have a rode team, it is hard to race a road race against other teams. But just like the tt, the climbing is you and your skills against the course. There is no question that our fit solution allows you to out climb your rivals. If you don't have the best solution or setup, it really shows when you ride into a wind or uphill.
In fact, in most cases with the many road fit ideas, if you are in good shape, you can take a fit that is close and just suck a wheel with a good strong team.
Sue Butler was on her own in the 92 mile slugfest, with no teammates, racing very strong teams. So she had none of that team slowing her down, so she showed her skills climbing and that makes the win even better!
"I didn't have any plans to attack when we started. It was just going slow and no one was pulling into the wind," said Butler. "It was kind of all or nothing – either I blow up spectacularly or I'm going to win the stage – so I went for it."
Butler's move started with Erin Ford (Veloforma), but eventually she rode free off the front to gain an advantage of up to two minutes. She had one minute ahead of the classification favourites in the final kilometre of the 56-kilometre climb to the Mt. Hood Meadows Ski Resort.
We have been on the phone with her and getting her head around a few important moves. You see, even with the perfect fit, you still need the perfect mind set!
1 Sue Butler (USA) WN & Myo-facts 5.03.49
2 Edwige Pitel (FRA) Sorella Forte 0.29
3 Gillian Moody (CAN) Total Restoration Cycling Team
4 Alisha Welsh (USA) PCIM
5 Teri Sheasby (USA) Bend Bike N Sport 0.32
6 Leah Goldstein (CAN) ValueAct Capital Cycling Team
7 Melissa Mcwhirter (USA) Veloforma
8 Robin Farina (USA) ValueAct Capital Cycling Team 0.40
9 Alice Pennington (USA) Veloforma 1.00
10 Marilyn Mcdonald (CAN) Specialized D4W/Bicycle Haus 1.16
Way to go Sue! Thanks for the "minds ear", and using our Wobble-naught & Myo-facts sEMG/Dartfish know how!
Thursday, June 04, 2009
We are not just a bike fit! We teach those who matter!

- a person's mental processes contrasted with physical actions i.e. pedaling!
- The state of normal mental functioning in a person i.e. riding like the rest of them!
- the will or determination to achieve something above the functional needs.