Stay tuned! We have always been a trending company, being on the cutting edge! We always lead for others to follow e.g. lasers, software, sEMG, footbeds, etc... Now our dealers are going to take fitting to yet another level. This is going to change the game! You don't have to have a basic fit from a retailer, just because big brother tells them to use their way "or the highway" approach!
It is not about the brand name, its about you!
Bones assist the body in movement because they are a point of attachment for muscles. That means its very important to find the joint shape where bones come together. Muscles, whether attached to bones or to internal organs and blood vessels, are responsible for movement. External movement is accomplished by the contraction and relaxation of muscles that are attached to the bones. Ha!
That means if you use our methods of measurements to find the exact attachments, knowing the shape of the joint, you better get the best range of motion, and the best line of pull. How else can you measure formation and structures? That's why so many racers get the results. Its not just about one person, its that we have many different people, with different shapes and sizes taking world championships!
There are 206 bones of various types in the body. Long, short, flat, sesamoid bones, in which different size/thickness patella (kneecap), a flat bone that lies in front of the articulation between the femur and one of the lower leg bones called the tibia. In fact, the tibia, the largest of 2 bones of the lower leg; the tibia (meaning flute-its shape looks like a flute) runs under the skin in the front part of the leg. This flute looking bone joins with the femur at the patella, at its top it can be convex or concave as it moves on the upper leg, and as its distal (ankle) forms a swelling that is the bony prominence (medial malleolus) at the inside of the ankle.
Now the foot, the contact point e.g golf club to golf ball. It can have many shapes. There are many types of talipes; talipes equinus, tailpes calcaneus, tailpes cavus, talipe varus, talipes equinovarus, tailpes calcaneomarus, talipes valgus, talipes calcaneovalgus or talpes equinovalgus. A lot to know, so it sure is great to have CAD to get think about all this!
So many things to think about, you could have your mothers pelvic girdle even if you are a male, or be a female and have your dads hip bone size and shape. Within that hip, you havea socket called the acetabulum. The acetabulum was named because of its resemblance to a rounded cup the Romans used for vinegar (acetum).
Then with all the shapes, you can hit age 40 years old, with a normal spine and then start to change by (oseoporosis-kyphosis) by the time you are 60 or 70 years of age.
It should be know, that we have done our homework! So if you think our fit is basic e.g. just hang a plumb line, then you do not understand how we placed untold amounts of bone constraints into our CAD software to find your best movements. Basic fitting "NAUGHT".
Are we just sizing a bike, using some jig "NAUGHT". Are we in the patho business "NAUGHT".
But what we do to you is very specific to bones. We know the bare bones of your fit and their best actions "that makes a difference". No matter you age, or shape! We make you move better on what ever bike brand! We don't change the shape of your bones, we only work with what you have, not making your fit like someone else.
Bones are complete organs, chiefly composed of connective tissue called osseous (bony) tissue plus a rich supply of blood vessels and nerves. This tissue consists of osteocytes (bone cells) surrounded by a hard, intercelular substance filled with calcium salts. It should be noted, that if you force your bones e.g. using shims under your forefoot can damage your bones in your foot or say your knee. We can't change the shape you have!!!
I think it is important you know we are not doctors who treat bones and bone diseases, those are orthopedists, named after being used years ago in a branch of medicine dealing with correcting deformities in children (orth/o means straight, ped/o means child). We do not correct deformities, rather deal with what you have.
Rheumatologist are doctors who treat joint diseases. Rheumat/o means watery flow and relates to joint diseases because various forms of arthritis are marked by collection of fluid in the joint spaces. That amount of collected fluid can impact your fit, the better to use our methods.
Osteopaths practice osteopathy, which is a separate school of medicine using diagnostic and therapeutic measures and based on the belief that the body is capable of healing itself when bones are in proper position and adequate nutrition is provided.
We are not the healing business, but many informs us how well they feel, no discomfort?
Chiropractors (chir/o means hand) are neither physicians nor osteopaths, and they use physical means to manipulate the spinal column, believing that disease is caused by pressure on nerves. We don't use our hands, but we do reduce pressure on nerves and bones.
If our dealers measure you right, you will have the best fit you can obtain. There is none better! But you still have to pedal!
After your fit with the Wobble-naught dealer, they now will be able to show you the actions of your bone, or the facts! Myo-facts sEMG/Dartfish has worked for many years to bring more to your game! The R&D has been long coming.
We will now have the powerful Dartfish software that has been working with Myo-facts sEMG/Dartfish in the hands of our Wobble-naught dealer's and at "no cost up front" to the dealer. A very powerful teaching tool with full phone support and much more!
We watched as "COST" is what stops a dealer from getting the state-of-the art! That means the customer doesn't have the best "TRUTH". No manner if your a coach, retail store, using 6 or 20 cams for 3D (only watching the skin, as the joint moves under it) or part-time fitter, cost has always killed the customer from getting things right! People don't learn by someone just telling them how to do something e.g powermeters! In fact, it takes a lot of visual to show them what they need to learn and do! It is so cool to use this high-tech to show them how to make 20 more watts. Most can't believe their eyes!
We have been leading the horse to water for years, but even then, some don't drink? Not anymore, your Wobble-naught dealer will not only perform the best fit for the game, but also will show you why it is!
Lastly, did you know, that Dartfish is already hooked up with SRM! We can follow you outside in the real world, watching your every move and show you your angles! COOL!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Monday, November 26, 2007
A very sad day!!! Mike Janelle has fatal heart attack.
I just got off the phone with a very sad Nat Ross. Nat informed me that his Colorado teammate suffered a fatal heart attack this past Friday.
Mike Janelle, a long-time presence on mtb racing scene and a 3-time Race Across America Champ with Nat Ross racing in the team category, died abruptly of an apparent heart attack Friday morning. How short can be, Janelle was only 40 years old. All the reason to live it as Mike Janelle.
Janelle focused primarily on endurance mountain-bike events, and represented the United States at the UCI world marathon championships in 2005. Alongside teammate and friend Jay Henry, Janelle also scored an overall team victory at the 24 Hours of Moab in 2005.
Janelle was the driving force behind Team Vail-Beaver Creek, which dominated the four-person category of the Race Across America from 2005-07. Composed of Janelle, Nat Ross, Jimi Mortensen and Zach Bingham, Vail-Beaver Creek scored overall RAAM victories in 2005 and '06.
A basic characteristic of life is a high degree of order. To scrutinize it, and discover what oder exists at levels below what the unaided eye can see. Our intellectual journey also takes us back, when we watch life shorten.
Our regards go out to all who knew and raced with Mike. He will be missed.
Mike Janelle, a long-time presence on mtb racing scene and a 3-time Race Across America Champ with Nat Ross racing in the team category, died abruptly of an apparent heart attack Friday morning. How short can be, Janelle was only 40 years old. All the reason to live it as Mike Janelle.
Janelle focused primarily on endurance mountain-bike events, and represented the United States at the UCI world marathon championships in 2005. Alongside teammate and friend Jay Henry, Janelle also scored an overall team victory at the 24 Hours of Moab in 2005.
Janelle was the driving force behind Team Vail-Beaver Creek, which dominated the four-person category of the Race Across America from 2005-07. Composed of Janelle, Nat Ross, Jimi Mortensen and Zach Bingham, Vail-Beaver Creek scored overall RAAM victories in 2005 and '06.
A basic characteristic of life is a high degree of order. To scrutinize it, and discover what oder exists at levels below what the unaided eye can see. Our intellectual journey also takes us back, when we watch life shorten.
Our regards go out to all who knew and raced with Mike. He will be missed.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Let's get to the Bottom of it All!
Many factors contribute to a person's success of effectiveness at any given sport. Our focus is to make you pedal better using kinanthropometrics - a area of study concerned with physical measurements of the human body as they relate to sport performance. We do our job very well! Just look at the results!
There seems to be "no boundaries" on who knows what. Unruly fits every where! The problem in our sport is things moves so slow, "bike stores don't focus on fitting" they focus on moving bikes. Many claim to have the best solution. Bend over and touch the floor, so I can check your fit? Wow! Now touch your nose with your eyes closed to check your balance? A real lack of science, a world from tradition or worst guesswork! They voice their ideas on major cycling sites regarding everything, just filling the pages? Ha! No lost to them if it works or not, they hold the right to write and keep you coming to their site.
Basic training and stretching for all, and did you know I hold a degree from school or I own a bike store and I ride, so I know. Can this basic information in cycling improve your performance? How do they know how your muscles are firing and the biomechanical skills needed for you? It seems that almost anyone can become a coach and build their own program. The next time you get one of these web "start" writers, coaches, be sure to ask what foundation of knowledge on which their ideas is based. Many of the people are just a copy cat of "hear say", I guess you have to learn from some cycling book if you don't have the tools. How else would you know?
Why so many ideas about a fit? Most of the fits come from "because such & such is doing it". Never knowing if a person is firing all their muscles? Why would you by watching the outside, skin or even the sum of a powermeter? Cycling is coordinated interaction between your nervous and muscular systems. Muscles when stimulated they contract and develop tension to turn the pedals. So why all the different fits? We think its because low tech, and besides I have been riding for 20 years and I have been a Cat 1.

How can anyone debate the bones being harder than a given muscle. If we know just where the landmarks are then success comes with time. The muscles learn to work at the best range of motion.
The bone is harder than a muscle, but still alive, it gets its supple of nourishment from arteries that enter from the periosteum-the fibrous connective tissue membrane where muscle attaches. The periosteum is richly supplied with sensory nerves-periosteal nerves-that carry pain fibers.
The peristeum is especially sensitive to tearing or tension, which explains the acute pain from a bone fracture. Yes, bone itself is relatively sparsely supplied with sensory endings,but the occurring movements and the fibrous joints can "wear & tear", The uniting shapes of articulating bones is very close together, either interlocking along a wavy line or overlapping. A fibrous joint unites the bones with a sheet of fibrouis tissue (syndesmosis), either a ligament or fibrous membrane. Consequently, this type of joint is partially movable.
That being the case, microscopic movements here help provide us important information when working on a hard pedal stroke. Not unlike clenching your teeth feeling(via the sense of proprioception)how hard your working.
All bones derive from mesenchyme (embryonic connective tissue) by two different processes: intramembranous ossification (directly from mesenchyme) and endochondral ossification (from cartilage derived from mesenchyme).
You can even see seams formed during a fusion process (synostosis), in which is a particularly dense and is recognizable in radiographs as an epiphyseal line, which marks the zone of fusion between the epiphysis and daphysis occuring when growth in length has ceased. The epiphyseal fusion of bones occurs progressively from puberty to maturity.
Bones can be viewed kind of like reading trees rings to determine or the key word "measure". That is the whole point, measure, not eyeball and guess.
Even the age of a person can be determined by studing the ossification centers in bones: 1) Apppearance of calcified material in the diaphysis and/or epiphyses. 2)Disappearnace of the dark line representing the epiphyseal plate (absence of line).
Bottom line, is bone is a dense, hard, but slightly elastic connective tissue (206 bones in a human). The key being to stack the 206 for the game. It is permeated by many blood vessels and nerves. It is alive and is composed of osteocytes and calcified collogennous intercellular substanc arranged in thin plates (bone tissue).
The skeletal link (segment) moves around an axis that passes through a joint and along a plane. However there are unique movements of each persons joints. Although the movement of joints are (basic)similar, around similar segmental axes and along similar segmental planes, there are many exception from the anatomical human.
So how does one use judgment to determine what you need? Even using 3D, they still just hang a plumb-line? This is too "basic", but its not their race, so who cares? In free space, the entire body may move around. That is why our Wobble-naught CAD works so well. It takes the 3D articulations within the joints and their movements around longitudinal axis and along a transverse plane. Not just looking from outside, watching the skin move over a joint. Give me a break!!!
What is important, is its bony landmarks. A groove or prominence on a bone that serves as a guide to the location of another body structure, mainly muscles. Most skeletal muscles are attached directly or indirectly through tendons to bones, cartilages, ligaments, or fascia, or to some combination of these structures. We don't know of them pushing?
When a muscle contracts and shortens, one of its attachments usually remains fixed and the other one moves. A origin (usually the proximal end) that remains fixed during muscular contraction. The other end is the insertion (distal end of the muscle that is movable). Sounds simple yes "NAUGHT".
Some muscles can act in both directions under different circumstances. Therefore, voluntary muscles can vary due to the lack of a person's controls. You can control many of you muscles at will only with great focus and much time learning "how", it is not automatic.
FACT: Skeletal muscles produce movement by shortening, the , they pull on a line and never push!
To take advantage of this, you have to stack the landmarks on the bone just so!
The architecture and shape of the skeletal muscles do vary i.e. muscle's length is the distance between its bony attachments. So we place you right dead in the middle of the belly of the muscle. The trick is understanding that muscles run oblique angles(like a wet towel twisted).
So how do we know, the correct tension when moving at 5000 strokes per hour? We read them over the course of a time to better determine what you need to work on! Its that simple! We can even see if your foot is toed-in or toed-out too much. The muscle actions will inform us!
Answer: We read the electrical actions and record the differences. The Myo-facts sEMG/Dartfish changes your world. Just ask anyone who has used it!!!
There seems to be "no boundaries" on who knows what. Unruly fits every where! The problem in our sport is things moves so slow, "bike stores don't focus on fitting" they focus on moving bikes. Many claim to have the best solution. Bend over and touch the floor, so I can check your fit? Wow! Now touch your nose with your eyes closed to check your balance? A real lack of science, a world from tradition or worst guesswork! They voice their ideas on major cycling sites regarding everything, just filling the pages? Ha! No lost to them if it works or not, they hold the right to write and keep you coming to their site.
Basic training and stretching for all, and did you know I hold a degree from school or I own a bike store and I ride, so I know. Can this basic information in cycling improve your performance? How do they know how your muscles are firing and the biomechanical skills needed for you? It seems that almost anyone can become a coach and build their own program. The next time you get one of these web "start" writers, coaches, be sure to ask what foundation of knowledge on which their ideas is based. Many of the people are just a copy cat of "hear say", I guess you have to learn from some cycling book if you don't have the tools. How else would you know?
Why so many ideas about a fit? Most of the fits come from "because such & such is doing it". Never knowing if a person is firing all their muscles? Why would you by watching the outside, skin or even the sum of a powermeter? Cycling is coordinated interaction between your nervous and muscular systems. Muscles when stimulated they contract and develop tension to turn the pedals. So why all the different fits? We think its because low tech, and besides I have been riding for 20 years and I have been a Cat 1.

How can anyone debate the bones being harder than a given muscle. If we know just where the landmarks are then success comes with time. The muscles learn to work at the best range of motion.

The bone is harder than a muscle, but still alive, it gets its supple of nourishment from arteries that enter from the periosteum-the fibrous connective tissue membrane where muscle attaches. The periosteum is richly supplied with sensory nerves-periosteal nerves-that carry pain fibers.
The peristeum is especially sensitive to tearing or tension, which explains the acute pain from a bone fracture. Yes, bone itself is relatively sparsely supplied with sensory endings,but the occurring movements and the fibrous joints can "wear & tear", The uniting shapes of articulating bones is very close together, either interlocking along a wavy line or overlapping. A fibrous joint unites the bones with a sheet of fibrouis tissue (syndesmosis), either a ligament or fibrous membrane. Consequently, this type of joint is partially movable.
That being the case, microscopic movements here help provide us important information when working on a hard pedal stroke. Not unlike clenching your teeth feeling(via the sense of proprioception)how hard your working.
All bones derive from mesenchyme (embryonic connective tissue) by two different processes: intramembranous ossification (directly from mesenchyme) and endochondral ossification (from cartilage derived from mesenchyme).
You can even see seams formed during a fusion process (synostosis), in which is a particularly dense and is recognizable in radiographs as an epiphyseal line, which marks the zone of fusion between the epiphysis and daphysis occuring when growth in length has ceased. The epiphyseal fusion of bones occurs progressively from puberty to maturity.
Bones can be viewed kind of like reading trees rings to determine or the key word "measure". That is the whole point, measure, not eyeball and guess.
Even the age of a person can be determined by studing the ossification centers in bones: 1) Apppearance of calcified material in the diaphysis and/or epiphyses. 2)Disappearnace of the dark line representing the epiphyseal plate (absence of line).
Bottom line, is bone is a dense, hard, but slightly elastic connective tissue (206 bones in a human). The key being to stack the 206 for the game. It is permeated by many blood vessels and nerves. It is alive and is composed of osteocytes and calcified collogennous intercellular substanc arranged in thin plates (bone tissue).
The skeletal link (segment) moves around an axis that passes through a joint and along a plane. However there are unique movements of each persons joints. Although the movement of joints are (basic)similar, around similar segmental axes and along similar segmental planes, there are many exception from the anatomical human.
So how does one use judgment to determine what you need? Even using 3D, they still just hang a plumb-line? This is too "basic", but its not their race, so who cares? In free space, the entire body may move around. That is why our Wobble-naught CAD works so well. It takes the 3D articulations within the joints and their movements around longitudinal axis and along a transverse plane. Not just looking from outside, watching the skin move over a joint. Give me a break!!!
What is important, is its bony landmarks. A groove or prominence on a bone that serves as a guide to the location of another body structure, mainly muscles. Most skeletal muscles are attached directly or indirectly through tendons to bones, cartilages, ligaments, or fascia, or to some combination of these structures. We don't know of them pushing?
When a muscle contracts and shortens, one of its attachments usually remains fixed and the other one moves. A origin (usually the proximal end) that remains fixed during muscular contraction. The other end is the insertion (distal end of the muscle that is movable). Sounds simple yes "NAUGHT".
Some muscles can act in both directions under different circumstances. Therefore, voluntary muscles can vary due to the lack of a person's controls. You can control many of you muscles at will only with great focus and much time learning "how", it is not automatic.
FACT: Skeletal muscles produce movement by shortening, the , they pull on a line and never push!
To take advantage of this, you have to stack the landmarks on the bone just so!
The architecture and shape of the skeletal muscles do vary i.e. muscle's length is the distance between its bony attachments. So we place you right dead in the middle of the belly of the muscle. The trick is understanding that muscles run oblique angles(like a wet towel twisted).
So how do we know, the correct tension when moving at 5000 strokes per hour? We read them over the course of a time to better determine what you need to work on! Its that simple! We can even see if your foot is toed-in or toed-out too much. The muscle actions will inform us!
Answer: We read the electrical actions and record the differences. The Myo-facts sEMG/Dartfish changes your world. Just ask anyone who has used it!!!
Monday, November 19, 2007
Georgia Gould kills it in the cold!
November 18, 2007
Rain, 30-degree temps, and a course greased with mud is racing like a "real cross race". Sunday's fourth round of the U.S. Gran Prix of Cyclocross near Trenton, New Jersey foot the bill.
Gould wins another one, but not without some real suffering, a true agony of victory!
From what we know, her win never looked as painful as it did on Georgia immediately following the women's race. Cold painful icy hands that numbed the pain during the race gave way to agony as her fingers began to thaw, and "battle" was the word exchanged between Gould and runner-up Lyne Bessette.
"From the start there was a group of five or six of us and the lead was always kind of changing, gaps were opening and then closing up," said Gould. "It's just hard when someone else is riding in front of you - when they mess up, you mess up. I had a few mistakes and a couple crashes."
The Canadians - Wendy Simms, Alison Sydor and Bessette - led the way through the first two laps until Bessette escaped, Gould with her. Simms and Sydor steadied a pace just high enough to hold off a chase group of Kerry Barnholt, Maureen Bruno Roy and Georgia's teamate Katerina Nash , all of whom displayed finely tuned technical skills in the mucky conditions.
Gould called upon her own technical skills to get around slippery corners while Bessette dismounted and ran. Gould slid out a few times but managed to catch back on each time until Bessette went down late in the race and the Luna rider seized the opportunity to surge ahead with only minutes to go. A perfect balanced can make a difference.
Gould extended a narrow lead over Bessette by 24 seconds and, sprinting all the way to the end, finished in spectacular style to level the playing field with Katie Compton , who won the first two rounds of the USGP.
I think she is starting to learn how to sprint. Everyone best look out if she learns that. Ha!
U.S. Gran Prix of Cyclocross
Round 4, Trenton, NJ. Nov. 18
1. Georgia Gould Luna, 36:05
2. Lyne Bessette (Can),, at 0:24
3. Alison Sydor (Can), Rocky Mountain Haywood, at 0:29
4. Wendy Simms (Can),, at 0:35
5. Rachel Lloyd Proman-Paradigm, at 0:59
Rain, 30-degree temps, and a course greased with mud is racing like a "real cross race". Sunday's fourth round of the U.S. Gran Prix of Cyclocross near Trenton, New Jersey foot the bill.
Gould wins another one, but not without some real suffering, a true agony of victory!
From what we know, her win never looked as painful as it did on Georgia immediately following the women's race. Cold painful icy hands that numbed the pain during the race gave way to agony as her fingers began to thaw, and "battle" was the word exchanged between Gould and runner-up Lyne Bessette.
"From the start there was a group of five or six of us and the lead was always kind of changing, gaps were opening and then closing up," said Gould. "It's just hard when someone else is riding in front of you - when they mess up, you mess up. I had a few mistakes and a couple crashes."
The Canadians - Wendy Simms, Alison Sydor and Bessette - led the way through the first two laps until Bessette escaped, Gould with her. Simms and Sydor steadied a pace just high enough to hold off a chase group of Kerry Barnholt, Maureen Bruno Roy and Georgia's teamate Katerina Nash , all of whom displayed finely tuned technical skills in the mucky conditions.
Gould called upon her own technical skills to get around slippery corners while Bessette dismounted and ran. Gould slid out a few times but managed to catch back on each time until Bessette went down late in the race and the Luna rider seized the opportunity to surge ahead with only minutes to go. A perfect balanced can make a difference.
Gould extended a narrow lead over Bessette by 24 seconds and, sprinting all the way to the end, finished in spectacular style to level the playing field with Katie Compton , who won the first two rounds of the USGP.
I think she is starting to learn how to sprint. Everyone best look out if she learns that. Ha!
U.S. Gran Prix of Cyclocross
Round 4, Trenton, NJ. Nov. 18
1. Georgia Gould Luna, 36:05
2. Lyne Bessette (Can),, at 0:24
3. Alison Sydor (Can), Rocky Mountain Haywood, at 0:29
4. Wendy Simms (Can),, at 0:35
5. Rachel Lloyd Proman-Paradigm, at 0:59
Monday, November 12, 2007
Georgia Gould takes both men & women races at Mid-Atlantic Cyclo-cross.
Bridgeton, New Jersey on Saturday.
Gould knocks off her competition in first the men's 2/3/4 race before dominating the women's event.
Gould returned to form, starting her day by "warming up" in the men's category 2/3/4 race. Starting near the back of the field of 55 riders, she steadily passed many, then she caught the leading pack including passing husband Dusty Labarr along the way. She dropped the hammer on the last lap to win by a comfortable seven-second margin.
Gould got serious for the elite women's race. By the end of the first lap, Gould had a 26 second lead over the chase group of Rebecca Wellons (Ridley Factory Team), Mo Bruno-Roy (Independent Fabrications) and a resurgent Melanie Swartz (Velo Bella/Kona). Katie Compton was over the pond doing her thing for the USA. Compton, takes World Cup race in the Netherlands
American Katie Compton took top honors in a muddy UCI cyclocross World Cup in Pijnacker in the Netherlands on Sunday.
Compton (Spike Shooter), the reigning U.S. women's cyclocross champion, finished nearly a minute ahead of Daphny Van Den Brand with Reza Hormes-Ravenstijn third at 01:03.
This lets Georgia know how she stands in the wolrd of cyclocross, as she runs about the same pace about 23 secs behind Compton. If she gets a good hole shot she can race with Compton.
Gould knocks off her competition in first the men's 2/3/4 race before dominating the women's event.
Gould returned to form, starting her day by "warming up" in the men's category 2/3/4 race. Starting near the back of the field of 55 riders, she steadily passed many, then she caught the leading pack including passing husband Dusty Labarr along the way. She dropped the hammer on the last lap to win by a comfortable seven-second margin.
Gould got serious for the elite women's race. By the end of the first lap, Gould had a 26 second lead over the chase group of Rebecca Wellons (Ridley Factory Team), Mo Bruno-Roy (Independent Fabrications) and a resurgent Melanie Swartz (Velo Bella/Kona). Katie Compton was over the pond doing her thing for the USA. Compton, takes World Cup race in the Netherlands
American Katie Compton took top honors in a muddy UCI cyclocross World Cup in Pijnacker in the Netherlands on Sunday.
Compton (Spike Shooter), the reigning U.S. women's cyclocross champion, finished nearly a minute ahead of Daphny Van Den Brand with Reza Hormes-Ravenstijn third at 01:03.
This lets Georgia know how she stands in the wolrd of cyclocross, as she runs about the same pace about 23 secs behind Compton. If she gets a good hole shot she can race with Compton.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
3D fits- Why watch the skin, we watch the tone of the muscles?
First it should be said! There is no substitute for training and time on the bike. Period. But if you are not dialed in on the bike of choice, you will not stay on the bike.
A good question is why do our fits help so many race into the top ranks, win 24 hour races? Or why do our people win races at the highest levels? Most will tell you, they know a race is going hurt, but what they really like is they can wake up the next day and do it again! Even the weekend rider says the same thing!
We know, that by stacking the bones, reducing the wear & tear on your joints is like "getting the front-end of your car" attend to, you stay in the game longer by not wearing the parts or the tires. Get a basic fit and it will help like a static balanced tire, but there is more refinement to be made. Now think about speed balance vs. static balance, there is a difference in the ride. That has nothing to do with the motor!
So to focus on the motor, learn your best stroke and the watts (horsepower) will come. Provided your legs and upper balance out! The upper body is a counter weight for the legs to work under! It is also best to know how to make you get more air into your lungs. Harder than you might think.
There is news on the streets of a new 3D fit, by placing markers on the skin. This type of fitting has been around for some time, even when we looked in to it. It can miss by up to 2cm!!! We could not see where it was much different than a basic fit. You are only looking at the outside!
It should be pointed out that we have been doing 3D fitting since day one, but we don't use markers on the skin! Even 3D scanning is not going to inform you of what the muscles are doing! What about the cross-bridging of actin & myson? Reading watts only informs you of the sum of all the muscles, not what each muscle is doing. You might be riding with your brakes on! Meaning one muscle might not be doing its share of the work!
Think about knowing where the muscles insert and attach on the bones. Now think about knowing all the angles, compression of your spine, etc... as they move through space!
We use 3D CAD in the background with every fit.
Why not 3D on the Skin? The answer, the skin moves and doesn't provide as we see it, what the joints are doing within nor what the muscles are doing! The next time you looked at a sting instrument, guess what the tension is of a given string. To test it, you have to strum it to find its noise!
Muscles work by the best line of pull and their tone. They don't push, but they be brakes! You joints have a ton of angles on their surfaces and no two people hold the same shape and size. You could even have twisted bones, in the middle of its shaft or on its end. What about flat feet? What about a high arch? What about the femur head. What about your hip, sitbones, etc... The key is not to have the bones compressing other bones "allowing you to move in & out of balance" as needed.
Even then, you have to learn to address the bike! Think of golf, as Tiger Woods steps up to the ball, he still has to swing!
If he has the perfect swing, and doesn't address the ball for the shot, game over!
What happens after the muscles get full of blood after 15 min., they get larger, joints get tighter. So just looking from the outside, using say 100 cams is not going to inform you of what is going on each muscle fiber.
We see an increase of 18 watts, just by learning how to pedal after a precise fit. We have seen this time and time again. Making more watts is not the key, but when you need to mash the gas and go it is. You
Most bike shops don't have time, coaches only train athletes, and medical professionals do rehab, but we all tend to agree that a good bike fit is a good thing. This is great news.
The information age is a powerful force. There are certain things we have learned, or have theories about, which have been tested over and over by independent peer reviewed journals. Most professionals reference these articles from time to time and tend to use new research to guide programs for their athletes and patients. There is also a huge boom in the amount of trash out there. Anyone can advertise! There is a lot of "industry buzz", so how to you know the real thing?
Results! Results for not just one person, but for many! No one wins every race, but it has been great to watch people reach their goals.
If your bones are lined up properly on the bike, and you follow a smart training program, you'll maximize efficiency and lower the chances of injury. When the bones are "off", the muscles start to obtain imbalances that can manifest themselves as injury.
Mathematical models allow us to measure to the mm, but to quantify exactly how much help a cyclist gets with a given alteration in their program is a huge undertaking. Riding for a pro team in cycling, might allow more resources. However, if you are a cyclist balancing riding and the real world, it is nice to know you can go to one of our dealers and get the real deal.
With correct training starting in the fall, you might gain up to 7 minutes off your rides. Just in the body position alone more minutes. Then the correct pedal stroke even more!Yes - you have to ride you bike.
You don't have to ride smart. Our optimum bike fit is key. Faster at less effort and more biomechaincally sound. It's a win-win for the time and money you'll invest and performance gained.
There is a whole lot of technology, knowledge, behind our results. It is not a formula out of a book.
Weather you choose the standard basic bike fit using someones eye or a 3D bike fit that places markers on your skin, you are a whole lot closer to achieving your optimum performance.
But if you want the real deal come see one of our dealers using Wobble-naught CAD or come to Boise, ID to use the Myo-facts sEMG/Dartfish. People come to Boise, ID from around the world for the "REAL DEAL", to see what is really gong on within their bodies! Many of the people have already been in wind tunnels at $1000 per hour, only for our solutions to help them break their PR's.
A good question is why do our fits help so many race into the top ranks, win 24 hour races? Or why do our people win races at the highest levels? Most will tell you, they know a race is going hurt, but what they really like is they can wake up the next day and do it again! Even the weekend rider says the same thing!
We know, that by stacking the bones, reducing the wear & tear on your joints is like "getting the front-end of your car" attend to, you stay in the game longer by not wearing the parts or the tires. Get a basic fit and it will help like a static balanced tire, but there is more refinement to be made. Now think about speed balance vs. static balance, there is a difference in the ride. That has nothing to do with the motor!
So to focus on the motor, learn your best stroke and the watts (horsepower) will come. Provided your legs and upper balance out! The upper body is a counter weight for the legs to work under! It is also best to know how to make you get more air into your lungs. Harder than you might think.
There is news on the streets of a new 3D fit, by placing markers on the skin. This type of fitting has been around for some time, even when we looked in to it. It can miss by up to 2cm!!! We could not see where it was much different than a basic fit. You are only looking at the outside!
It should be pointed out that we have been doing 3D fitting since day one, but we don't use markers on the skin! Even 3D scanning is not going to inform you of what the muscles are doing! What about the cross-bridging of actin & myson? Reading watts only informs you of the sum of all the muscles, not what each muscle is doing. You might be riding with your brakes on! Meaning one muscle might not be doing its share of the work!
Think about knowing where the muscles insert and attach on the bones. Now think about knowing all the angles, compression of your spine, etc... as they move through space!
We use 3D CAD in the background with every fit.
Why not 3D on the Skin? The answer, the skin moves and doesn't provide as we see it, what the joints are doing within nor what the muscles are doing! The next time you looked at a sting instrument, guess what the tension is of a given string. To test it, you have to strum it to find its noise!
Muscles work by the best line of pull and their tone. They don't push, but they be brakes! You joints have a ton of angles on their surfaces and no two people hold the same shape and size. You could even have twisted bones, in the middle of its shaft or on its end. What about flat feet? What about a high arch? What about the femur head. What about your hip, sitbones, etc... The key is not to have the bones compressing other bones "allowing you to move in & out of balance" as needed.
Even then, you have to learn to address the bike! Think of golf, as Tiger Woods steps up to the ball, he still has to swing!
If he has the perfect swing, and doesn't address the ball for the shot, game over!
What happens after the muscles get full of blood after 15 min., they get larger, joints get tighter. So just looking from the outside, using say 100 cams is not going to inform you of what is going on each muscle fiber.
We see an increase of 18 watts, just by learning how to pedal after a precise fit. We have seen this time and time again. Making more watts is not the key, but when you need to mash the gas and go it is. You
Most bike shops don't have time, coaches only train athletes, and medical professionals do rehab, but we all tend to agree that a good bike fit is a good thing. This is great news.
The information age is a powerful force. There are certain things we have learned, or have theories about, which have been tested over and over by independent peer reviewed journals. Most professionals reference these articles from time to time and tend to use new research to guide programs for their athletes and patients. There is also a huge boom in the amount of trash out there. Anyone can advertise! There is a lot of "industry buzz", so how to you know the real thing?
Results! Results for not just one person, but for many! No one wins every race, but it has been great to watch people reach their goals.
If your bones are lined up properly on the bike, and you follow a smart training program, you'll maximize efficiency and lower the chances of injury. When the bones are "off", the muscles start to obtain imbalances that can manifest themselves as injury.
Mathematical models allow us to measure to the mm, but to quantify exactly how much help a cyclist gets with a given alteration in their program is a huge undertaking. Riding for a pro team in cycling, might allow more resources. However, if you are a cyclist balancing riding and the real world, it is nice to know you can go to one of our dealers and get the real deal.
With correct training starting in the fall, you might gain up to 7 minutes off your rides. Just in the body position alone more minutes. Then the correct pedal stroke even more!Yes - you have to ride you bike.
You don't have to ride smart. Our optimum bike fit is key. Faster at less effort and more biomechaincally sound. It's a win-win for the time and money you'll invest and performance gained.
There is a whole lot of technology, knowledge, behind our results. It is not a formula out of a book.
Weather you choose the standard basic bike fit using someones eye or a 3D bike fit that places markers on your skin, you are a whole lot closer to achieving your optimum performance.
But if you want the real deal come see one of our dealers using Wobble-naught CAD or come to Boise, ID to use the Myo-facts sEMG/Dartfish. People come to Boise, ID from around the world for the "REAL DEAL", to see what is really gong on within their bodies! Many of the people have already been in wind tunnels at $1000 per hour, only for our solutions to help them break their PR's.
Monday, November 05, 2007
Boulder Cup - A Repeat! Compton 1st, Gould 2nd.
Suday in Boulder, CO had another great day of racing as Georgia Gould took the hole shot, then Compton getting past her on the runs, putting on a show. Compton is getting ready to go across the pond for a month, looks like she will be ready.
This is good for Georgia, as it makes her understand where she needs to work. The mtb race doesn't have the drops, but it lets her learn how to make time. She has to get her upper body over the bottom bracket and to hit it. The spine has to be in the correct angle in space. Its hard to break a habit, and if you have won races, even harder to work on things.
We have talked about her not getting on the drops when she comes out of a tight turn like Katie. Sometimes you can "lead a horse to water, but can't make it drink". She has the motor and will learn and get faster. This game demands a good sprint, and by lowering the center of mass allows you to work the handlebars with more lateral force.
Even Kristin Armstrong has spent lots os time working on getting into the drops on track. She is best know as a climber a and the long run! Both Georgia and Kristing have the same build, standing about 5'10". So when you have a Katie Compton or a Laura Van Glider build, a more compact frame, and strong upper body can can put the hammer down for a strong sprint. Look at the upper body of a good sprinter.
Compton has time on a track and has the total body sprint and knows how to get the rpms. It really helps to get back to the pace after slowing from sand, turns, etc... In other words, she has a good low end that gets her up to speed.
Still a good performance from Gould! Compton should do well in the up coming races.
Good stuff!
Elite Women
1 Katie Compton (USA) SPIKE-Primus Mootry-ROL Wheels
2 Georgia Gould (USA) Luna Chix
This is good for Georgia, as it makes her understand where she needs to work. The mtb race doesn't have the drops, but it lets her learn how to make time. She has to get her upper body over the bottom bracket and to hit it. The spine has to be in the correct angle in space. Its hard to break a habit, and if you have won races, even harder to work on things.
We have talked about her not getting on the drops when she comes out of a tight turn like Katie. Sometimes you can "lead a horse to water, but can't make it drink". She has the motor and will learn and get faster. This game demands a good sprint, and by lowering the center of mass allows you to work the handlebars with more lateral force.
Even Kristin Armstrong has spent lots os time working on getting into the drops on track. She is best know as a climber a and the long run! Both Georgia and Kristing have the same build, standing about 5'10". So when you have a Katie Compton or a Laura Van Glider build, a more compact frame, and strong upper body can can put the hammer down for a strong sprint. Look at the upper body of a good sprinter.
Compton has time on a track and has the total body sprint and knows how to get the rpms. It really helps to get back to the pace after slowing from sand, turns, etc... In other words, she has a good low end that gets her up to speed.
Still a good performance from Gould! Compton should do well in the up coming races.
Good stuff!
Elite Women
1 Katie Compton (USA) SPIKE-Primus Mootry-ROL Wheels
2 Georgia Gould (USA) Luna Chix
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Katie wins with Georgia 2nd, Butler 8th in Boulder, CO.
We are pleased to see two of the racers we work with Georgia Gould & Sue Bulter in the top ten.
It seems like the course was very much the same as 2006, as Compton gets the same time & distance on 2nd place Gould.
With all the travel, it will be only a matter of time that it will tax Compton, as it does so many. She is one tough gal.
Congrats to Compton, being the UCI leader in the game. She has a strong sprint out of the hole, while many don't have that as part of the game. Track time makes a difference.
You make speed, rather you maintain it from the start! Compton getting on the drops to sprint helps her maintain the pace. That makes it very hard for others to keep pace with her.
We are pleased to see a new gal in the top ten. Sue Butler came to us this year and that has helped her to get into the game! Congrats Sue!
You have not seen one of these races, go and check them out. They are great fun to watch.
1. Katie Compton, Spike Shooter, 38:39
2. Georgia Gould, Luna, 39:15
3. Rachel Lloyd, Proman-Paradigm, 40:23
4. Kerry Barnholt, Tokyo Joe's-Van Dessel, 40:42
5. Wendy Williams, River City Bicycles, 42:01
6. Kelli Emmett, Giant, 42:40
7. Barbara Howe, Velo Bella-Kona, 42:45
8. Sue Butler, River City Bicycles, 43:22
It seems like the course was very much the same as 2006, as Compton gets the same time & distance on 2nd place Gould.
With all the travel, it will be only a matter of time that it will tax Compton, as it does so many. She is one tough gal.
Congrats to Compton, being the UCI leader in the game. She has a strong sprint out of the hole, while many don't have that as part of the game. Track time makes a difference.
You make speed, rather you maintain it from the start! Compton getting on the drops to sprint helps her maintain the pace. That makes it very hard for others to keep pace with her.
We are pleased to see a new gal in the top ten. Sue Butler came to us this year and that has helped her to get into the game! Congrats Sue!
You have not seen one of these races, go and check them out. They are great fun to watch.
1. Katie Compton, Spike Shooter, 38:39
2. Georgia Gould, Luna, 39:15
3. Rachel Lloyd, Proman-Paradigm, 40:23
4. Kerry Barnholt, Tokyo Joe's-Van Dessel, 40:42
5. Wendy Williams, River City Bicycles, 42:01
6. Kelli Emmett, Giant, 42:40
7. Barbara Howe, Velo Bella-Kona, 42:45
8. Sue Butler, River City Bicycles, 43:22
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Looks like only two USA mtb guys to Beijing!
U.S. men likely to earn just two mountain bike spots in Beijing. If things stay the course, only two will go and that doesn't look good for Bishop. Jeremy Horgan-Kobelski and Adam Craig look like they will go!
Jeremiah Bishop, has just spent two years on his dream to go Beijing. He was able to hold his own on a tough playground. He was right there, raced with the best, but got sick and missed a few races! At the World Cup level, you can't do that, you have to be at every race and be in the hunt for 2 long years.
Jeremiah has the motor, and he even placed 8th at the world championships, the best any man from the USA in ten years! Did I say this is a tough game, not like football only for one season. That's a long time to stay focused! Most burn out!
It takes two years of racing to qualified for only two male cross-country mountain-bike racers to compete at the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. Think of that when you watch the games and know how hard all the racers have raced to get there.
This news comes after the UCI released its latest nations' rankings on October 18 - the U.S. men sit in 7th place with 2019 UCI points, 2 points behind Sweden. The world is a big place.
The combined nation ranking for '06 and '07 determines the number of berths each country receives for the games. The U.S. men finished 2006 ranked 4th with 2205 points. Its not over yet, but Bishop will have to pull the rabbit out of the hat.
Should the current 2007 rankings hold through December 31, the U.S.'s combined ranking for both years will be 6th, 129 points behind 5th-placed Germany, which has 4353 points. But only the top 5 nations earn the maximum 3 Olympic berths, meaning for the second Olympics in a row, "ONLY 2 American men" will attend.
The combined point total of a country's top-3 ranked riders determines its UCI nation ranking. At the end of 2006, 3 Americans sat inside the top 25 of the UCI rider rankings: Jeremy Horgan-Kobelski (11th), Adam Craig (17th) and Jeremiah Bishop (22nd).
Again, this is a game that taxes you physical abilities to the limit. Yes the maxim "Practice makes perfect" but does not always hold true. This rough-and tumble game is hard on the body. The travel alone can get you really sick as we have seen that many racers like Shonny Vanlandingham at the start of the season.
Bishop is the real deal, he can race, but what can one do about getting sick?
Good effort Jeremiah.
Jeremiah Bishop, has just spent two years on his dream to go Beijing. He was able to hold his own on a tough playground. He was right there, raced with the best, but got sick and missed a few races! At the World Cup level, you can't do that, you have to be at every race and be in the hunt for 2 long years.
Jeremiah has the motor, and he even placed 8th at the world championships, the best any man from the USA in ten years! Did I say this is a tough game, not like football only for one season. That's a long time to stay focused! Most burn out!
It takes two years of racing to qualified for only two male cross-country mountain-bike racers to compete at the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. Think of that when you watch the games and know how hard all the racers have raced to get there.
This news comes after the UCI released its latest nations' rankings on October 18 - the U.S. men sit in 7th place with 2019 UCI points, 2 points behind Sweden. The world is a big place.
The combined nation ranking for '06 and '07 determines the number of berths each country receives for the games. The U.S. men finished 2006 ranked 4th with 2205 points. Its not over yet, but Bishop will have to pull the rabbit out of the hat.
Should the current 2007 rankings hold through December 31, the U.S.'s combined ranking for both years will be 6th, 129 points behind 5th-placed Germany, which has 4353 points. But only the top 5 nations earn the maximum 3 Olympic berths, meaning for the second Olympics in a row, "ONLY 2 American men" will attend.
The combined point total of a country's top-3 ranked riders determines its UCI nation ranking. At the end of 2006, 3 Americans sat inside the top 25 of the UCI rider rankings: Jeremy Horgan-Kobelski (11th), Adam Craig (17th) and Jeremiah Bishop (22nd).
Again, this is a game that taxes you physical abilities to the limit. Yes the maxim "Practice makes perfect" but does not always hold true. This rough-and tumble game is hard on the body. The travel alone can get you really sick as we have seen that many racers like Shonny Vanlandingham at the start of the season.
Bishop is the real deal, he can race, but what can one do about getting sick?
Good effort Jeremiah.
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