There is a difference in art and muscle!
The functional combination of nerve and muscle tissue is fundamental to all multcellular animals excepts sponges (pumpkins are not animals). These tissues give animals their characteristic ability to move rapidly in response to stimuli. In other words, muscle contraction and thus movement are initiated and controlled by nervous tissue.
Most skeletal muscle, as the name implies, is attached to the bones of the body, and its contraction is responsible for the movements of parts of the skeleton. Skeletal muscle contraction is also involved in other activities of the body, such as the voluntary release of urine and feces. Thus the movements produced by skeletal muscle are primarily involved with interactions between the body and the external enviroment.
The cells of muscle tissue have great capacity for contraction. Muscles are able to perform "work" by the summed contractions of their individual cells. The individual muscle cells are usually elongate, cylindrical or spindle-shaped cells that are bound together into sheets of bundles by connective tissue.
To some extent, all cells have the property of irritability, the ability to respond to stimuli.
Next time you see a pumpkin patch, from a distance, don't let your eye have you thinking they are all are the same! Not so!

Wow! There is almost as many pumpkins here as our successful track record!
To some extent, all pumpkins have the same property or cells.
Even so, with some focus, you can to put a face on one! This art work can take some time.
They can look great with their many faces, but the truth is they don't have a brain. Just because they look great, doesn't mean they can really move? And just because they have been worked over, doesn't mean they can perform work.
So if we all come from the same pumpkin patch, what is the best solution?
You don't know until you start digging, finding all the landmarks and joints of your skeletal system. You can't just look from a far like looking at a pumpkin patch, only looking at the outside.
It takes great focus to move and you have to learn from stimuli. Nervous tissue, is highly specialized not only for receiving and responding to such stimuli, but also for the transmission of stimuli. Some will say this is an art and that gives everyone a voice on which face they like best!

With a little work you can make a huge difference to the basic pumpkin.
But you have to get your hands on them or they remain like the ones in the fields!

And until you get inside, you never know what each one needs?
Even then, you don't know how they are going to turn out!
That's how our CAD views you and your bones! You have to go inside to do work. Just looking from the outside is not enough!
We all know pumpkins look the same in the field. You might even see a whole truck load of pumpkins headed to market and they also look the same. Mass market!
Its not until you work with a pumpkin that they become great.
Just because you come out of the same pumpkin patch doesn't mean you can't turn into something. Each pumpkin has the stuff to become a "Great Pumpkin".

Morning traffic heading towards downtown!
This is also a bike route just before you head uphill for 18 miles to Bogus Basin Ski Area.