Monday, August 02, 2010

Diamnod Peaks PT (WN) service = XCST Championship

Thanks to Niner, Diamond Peak PT (WN), and Push

I would like to through a huge thank you out to Niner for getting me a Jet-9 on such short notice coming up to nationals. When I went up to pre-ride the Nationals course it was really bumpy and I was thinking that the full-suspention will be an advantage on this course even on the climes because of how bumpy it is.

I would also like to give a major thank you out to my good friends Rodrigo and Henry for being able to work me in the next morning to get their Wobble-naught "blueprint" done on my bike. So that the Jet-9 would fit me perfectly just like my Carbon Air-9 already does. The Wobble-anught system was used by Rodrigo and Henry at Rodrigo’s place of business Diamond Peaks Physical Therapy. There are few things that you can do that will increase both your power, form, and comfort on the bike. Having the correct fit is one of the most important, and I have never had a better fit before doing it with the Wobble -naught Fitting. I would highly recommend this fit for anyone that wishes to improve their power or just their comfort on the bike.

But before I could go in to get the Wobble-naught done on my Jet-9 I took it over to a Push center and got my rear suspension “pushed.” Push is the name of the company and they do a specific rebuild of your suspension so that it will work optimally for your body weight and riding style. Daren was able to get my in with only a 24 hour notice and get my rear suspension pushed. Normally getting something pushed would take up to 4 weeks. So I would like to give another big thanks to Daren at Push.

July 20, 2010 No Comments

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