The muscles and tendons and ligaments need to be shocked to adapt for what's coming! To what point? You don't want to have too much friction between the moving parts! Take note of the pictures and look what some have and some don't! Far too often we see people with their saddles too low, placing more friction on areas concern you would not know from the outside only.
People wonder why they hurt? They just look around and do what the rest of the heard is doing? Too often within cycling, they pedal with poor technique just like someone who sits back too much to ski, pressing and moving their toes forward. About 80% do this! They are not bad people, they are only doing what they think is correct, copied or learned.
We are not all alike! People vary in anthropometrical shapes and leg mass. Gravitational & inertial loads during pedaling are significant as they are in snow skiing. The two sports are very much the same!
A lot of iedas have come into the cycling game from skiing e.g. aero bars, etc... Why? Because you don't have a saddle, handlebars to provide support! You make a living from your feet!
Those who live on the flats have a harder time learning than those who go up & down hills!
Flexibility can be very different on the outside knee from one person to the next!
This is why we review the tension of your body and not what someone states is a range that so many systems provide!
With overuse injuries of the knee, there may be inflammation and adaptive shortening of the surrounding soft tissues. For example, tightness of quadriceps femoris is associated with patellar tendinitis. The aim is to regain full flexibility of the joints and soft tissues that surround the knee in order to enable an athlete to return to the desired sport.
There are three types of stretches: static, dynamic, and proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation.
Flexibility: dynamic/ballistic stretching |
Dynamic and ballistic stretching occurs when the muscle contracts into the stretch. The muscle is stretched with a rhythmical bouncing movement at the end of range. This type of stretch produces a reflex contraction of the muscle being stretched and should not therefore be used in the early stages of a stretching program as it may lead to injury. Certain sports that require a high degree of muscle flexibility, such as gymnastics, can benefit from ballistic stretching as it helps achieve maximal range of movement. Not to over look cycling, a poor pedal technique and saddle height will have you doing too much stretch, the heel is in space.
Flexibility: proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation
It involves manual resistance by someone to facilitate a maximal contraction/relaxation of the agonist/antagonist muscles. PNF can stretch a muscle in two ways:
1. a maximal contraction of a muscle is followed by a maximal relaxation of the same muscle, or
2. the muscle relaxation occurs when its antagonistic muscle is contracting.
The person who is helping you needs to passively stretches the hamstring to the onset of tension. The athlete then performs a maximal isometric contraction of the hamstring against the resistance of the helper's shoulder. The athlete relaxes the hamstring and the helper stretches the muscle further into range. This can be repeated 3-4 times.
Functional exercise
As pain and inflammation settle and strength, power, endurance, and proprioception of the lower limb improve, functional activities are started that make up the basic foundation of the chosen sport. Basic functional activities such as walking, cylcing and striding can be started early, progressing onto jogging, sprinting, and agility skills. Speed, timing, and co-ordination can be worked on later.
The real issue for the working person is the lack of progressive strengthening due to their time at work.
The days are much shorter now! If you work for a living, you don't always have the time to get out during the day light. If you can find the time, great, but most can't!
Sports specific training
Athletic activity involves the integration of all joints and muscles involved in that action. Strength gains are specific to the type of contraction used during training to a point Therefore, in order to improve the strength and co-ordination of a sports specific activity, exercises must be similar to that activity without getting hurt. T
Graduated training begins at a basic level when the athlete has the appropriate strength, flexibility, and proprioceptive skills as in getting on a cycle trainer. Physical tasks and skills then become harder and more demanding until the athlete is ready to start playing at a non-competitive level. An athlete is generally more motivated when training with his/her team colleagues. There are always going to be the guy or gal who states how much they hate trainers. Fine!
If a chronic overuse injury has occurred due to a faulty movement (poor pedal techique) pattern or malalignment, the athlete must spend time learning a new position or movement pattern. Visual feedback taken from filming the athlete whilst performing slow and fast action movements can help to reinforce new techniques.
Get on a good trainer like the Rock & Roll from Kurt and gain the appropriate strength to play and stay in the game.
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