We urge you to be forever curious and always learning, and we have the same goals. First is keeping up to date, second is sharing the love of the movements with each of the athletes. We are devoted to the goals of techniques that are natural to you and make you not just better, but good, rather exceptional.
So you have some folks you are working with and you want to share your "how to". How many skills do you need? The first one is being a keen student of bio-mechanics and physics. No one excels on all fronts of "how to", to teach cycling skills, and technical technique is first! That requires knowledge, time, effort. One needs to transmit to the athlete the high energy, enthusiasm or the love of the movement that is so often killed by a strong ego.
It is best to swallow the pride, overcome the instincts, and have the technical down before you move the the other skills like training, habit, tactics, etc... You don't want to compensate. Only a small number of people are born with an ideal body and the rest have a wise technical coach should they wish to be their best.
The Future is near!
We have a vision, and it is going to be on our front page as a service to address your bio-mechanics needs! Its been a long time in the making, but we have a new "Vision Quest", what the future will be for you learning over the internet. Live anywhere in the world and we will be able to help.
The hip is functionally and structurally a very complex joint holding many muscles. Structurally, it consists of the acetabulum, the femoral articulation, and the supporting soft tissue, muscle, and cartilaginous structures.
Many things can limit the movements of this area. Perhaps the greatest is your conscious effort, a better understanding, enabling you to successfully exercise.
It's good to have to greater depth of understanding, given the many muscle layers, their actions and the forces. There are many interrelationships.
How do you know that certain muscles are doing the work. It is no wonder its hard to find your best solution given the many shapes and sizes.
We know that muscle strains can occur at any part of the body, but they can occur within the complex hip.
So if you don't know the shape of your hip and how it makes contact with the saddle you can cause some very real issues.
We do have a little control of your brain and with some effort teach you more truth. We can show you both the data and the pics in hopes you learn. It is not our ego, rather its providing tools that make a difference for you to learn. We have methods that enable you to successfully
move your physical characteristics. Knowing your anthropometrics and each segment makes a huge difference, perhaps allowing you to be the best in the world. But can you stay there?
In most teams, the team description or rules doesn't demand what that person can eat, drink, or have for their bike solution. Most GM's inform us they allow a person to have any solution they want and some will even have a different bike brand and just paint it so it looks like a team bike. That is very much part of the game. In most cases, we don't have any control on these things.
We are not all the same, No two hips are the same, we can have a normal femoral angulation or a anteversion or retroversion angle. These things make a difference and should not be over looked by basic fitting tools.

We have watched a very large % teachers duck this responsibility.
The teaching needs to be done right and we don't care how they justify their mass marketing tools. It is not enough to provide some form of alignment, but to provide better understanding of why.
The teaching needs to be done right and we don't care how they justify their mass marketing tools. It is not enough to provide some form of alignment, but to provide better understanding of why.
We all know if you continue a routine daily for weeks or months and gradually increase the duration and intensity, your body will adapt and have some % of improvement. But what if you have a the wrong set up? It will place limits to the adaption and "Boy Howdy" have we watched a few top guns fall in their performance. The reason, you might be on a team who doesn't like or buy into the other line of thinking. Technical attention has been low, but yet is a significant element to your success. Keep moving things around and the body will not adapt and that can hold you back. The season is long!

The need to synthesize anatomy and mechanics in a conceptual mode is the most effective in teaching and applying these concepts.
Greater strength comes from a qualitative approach to the study of human movement facilitating more effective teaching, learning, and retention of biomechanical concepts.
Biomechanical principles govern the effectiveness of human movement and our intent is on presenting competen movement analysis within a conceptual framework. The illustrations are used as a source of information as well as an example of concepts.
There are many areas of study that can lead to a broad definition of human movement and from a variety of perspectives: biomechanical, psychological, philosophical, sociological or physiological.
You can get lost with the sub-disciplines, the curriculum, and associate one with the other. Biomechanical knowledge and its disciplines including biology, ergonomics, engineering , physiology, medicine, and mechanical physics.
A biomedical engineer may study the biological and material properties of the human body and appropriate mechanical aspects to understand the flow of blood within the arteries. The knowledge gained may be applied to reduce or solve circulatory problems.
Understanding the physical characteristics of the human body and mechanical physics will guide a performer to a mechanically effective performance.
Exercise physiology is the study of how bodies are altered when it is exposed to acute and chronic bouts of exercise. Sport physiology further applies the concepts of training the athlete.
It helps to distinguish between the two closely related branches.
Exercise physiology helps better understand how bodies derive energy from foods.
Sport physiology then takes the above info, realizing that the body has limited energy stores.
It is hard to clearly distinguish the exercise physiology from sport physiology?
Biomechanical principles govern the effectiveness of human movement and our intent is on presenting competen movement analysis within a conceptual framework. The illustrations are used as a source of information as well as an example of concepts.
There are many areas of study that can lead to a broad definition of human movement and from a variety of perspectives: biomechanical, psychological, philosophical, sociological or physiological.
You can get lost with the sub-disciplines, the curriculum, and associate one with the other. Biomechanical knowledge and its disciplines including biology, ergonomics, engineering , physiology, medicine, and mechanical physics.
A biomedical engineer may study the biological and material properties of the human body and appropriate mechanical aspects to understand the flow of blood within the arteries. The knowledge gained may be applied to reduce or solve circulatory problems.
Understanding the physical characteristics of the human body and mechanical physics will guide a performer to a mechanically effective performance.
Exercise physiology is the study of how bodies are altered when it is exposed to acute and chronic bouts of exercise. Sport physiology further applies the concepts of training the athlete.
It helps to distinguish between the two closely related branches.
Exercise physiology helps better understand how bodies derive energy from foods.
Sport physiology then takes the above info, realizing that the body has limited energy stores.
It is hard to clearly distinguish the exercise physiology from sport physiology?
Biomechanics is the area of study wherein knowledge and methods of mechanics are applied to the structure and function of the living human system.
Kinesiology is the study of human movement from an anatomical or mechanical perspective or both. It has more to do with body positions and movements in space.
Kinesiology is the study of human movement from an anatomical or mechanical perspective or both. It has more to do with body positions and movements in space.

Many of our new dealers have a passion, a history of attending the many fitting ideas schools that are out there.
Many move with fitting systems to get the brand of bike in their store. Their way or the high-way!

They are also graded.
Grade 1 may be a simple muscle spasm or cramp.
Grade 2 may result from "true overuse" from the activity and usually resolves with some rest.
Grade 3 is a true muscle tear that can occur within the muscle. It doesn't occur at the belly of the muscle due to the cross section.
It occurs at the muscle-tendon junction, or at the origin or insertion of the muscle.

Why would you push a muscle into tension, if we don't go there with your best fit solution. The belly of the muscle is where you get more cross-section? Where you get more work.
It helps to know the relation of all the muscles and not place one into more stress over the others. They need to work together in concert!
If you have a poor pedal stroke, you can hurt your muscles!
Does it not make sense that you would not want a given muscle doing all the work?
There are always things outside a performance that we have no control i.e. gravity and mass marketing! Money buys the media! Place ads on a cycling site and you have a better chance of cutting a deal with them and getting press. Out of our control.
We do have a little control of your brain and with some effort teach you more truth. We can show you both the data and the pics in hopes you learn. It is not our ego, rather its providing tools that make a difference for you to learn. We have methods that enable you to successfully
move your physical characteristics. Knowing your anthropometrics and each segment makes a huge difference, perhaps allowing you to be the best in the world. But can you stay there?
That's the hard part, as we have taken people to the top of their game. Then after getting them to that level, loose them, as someone else gets in their head, or they get paid by them to use their methods.
Marketing has an impact on what you think, if it is the truth or not or if it is best for you?
Marketing has an impact on what you think, if it is the truth or not or if it is best for you?
Some point out to us that we are not on a certain pro kits, yet we hold the data of certain persons or we don't have a sticker on a team bike. True, we don't pay for the billboard space on any team kit. Never have! Many, who want to promote their services have given money to be on a (x,y,z) kit if they provide a service or not.
In most teams, the team description or rules doesn't demand what that person can eat, drink, or have for their bike solution. Most GM's inform us they allow a person to have any solution they want and some will even have a different bike brand and just paint it so it looks like a team bike. That is very much part of the game. In most cases, we don't have any control on these things.
One constant we can do have control is your gravity. Everyone has the same (g) until you move it. Big over a small time or small over a longer time. In both cases you fight gravity. That is where we make a difference.
When watching someone from the outside using led, video, you can't see the inside forces (compression, shearing, tension). In fact the skin moves and that causes a misreading of what the joints are doing with the gravity and the forces of greater effort. Think of the femur neck alone and how it moves.
The next time you look at a string instrument, try to guess the tension of a given string. You can't by just watching it. It might make bad music if it is out of tone or if the strings don't work together!
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