There seems to be "no boundaries" on who knows what. Unruly fits every where! The problem in our sport is things moves so slow, "bike stores don't focus on fitting" they focus on moving bikes. Many claim to have the best solution. Bend over and touch the floor, so I can check your fit? Wow! Now touch your nose with your eyes closed to check your balance? A real lack of science, a world from tradition or worst guesswork! They voice their ideas on major cycling sites regarding everything, just filling the pages? Ha! No lost to them if it works or not, they hold the right to write and keep you coming to their site.
Basic training and stretching for all, and did you know I hold a degree from school or I own a bike store and I ride, so I know. Can this basic information in cycling improve your performance? How do they know how your muscles are firing and the biomechanical skills needed for you? It seems that almost anyone can become a coach and build their own program. The next time you get one of these web "start" writers, coaches, be sure to ask what foundation of knowledge on which their ideas is based. Many of the people are just a copy cat of "hear say", I guess you have to learn from some cycling book if you don't have the tools. How else would you know?
Why so many ideas about a fit? Most of the fits come from "because such & such is doing it". Never knowing if a person is firing all their muscles? Why would you by watching the outside, skin or even the sum of a powermeter? Cycling is coordinated interaction between your nervous and muscular systems. Muscles when stimulated they contract and develop tension to turn the pedals. So why all the different fits? We think its because low tech, and besides I have been riding for 20 years and I have been a Cat 1.

How can anyone debate the bones being harder than a given muscle. If we know just where the landmarks are then success comes with time. The muscles learn to work at the best range of motion.

The bone is harder than a muscle, but still alive, it gets its supple of nourishment from arteries that enter from the periosteum-the fibrous connective tissue membrane where muscle attaches. The periosteum is richly supplied with sensory nerves-periosteal nerves-that carry pain fibers.
The peristeum is especially sensitive to tearing or tension, which explains the acute pain from a bone fracture. Yes, bone itself is relatively sparsely supplied with sensory endings,but the occurring movements and the fibrous joints can "wear & tear", The uniting shapes of articulating bones is very close together, either interlocking along a wavy line or overlapping. A fibrous joint unites the bones with a sheet of fibrouis tissue (syndesmosis), either a ligament or fibrous membrane. Consequently, this type of joint is partially movable.
That being the case, microscopic movements here help provide us important information when working on a hard pedal stroke. Not unlike clenching your teeth feeling(via the sense of proprioception)how hard your working.
All bones derive from mesenchyme (embryonic connective tissue) by two different processes: intramembranous ossification (directly from mesenchyme) and endochondral ossification (from cartilage derived from mesenchyme).
You can even see seams formed during a fusion process (synostosis), in which is a particularly dense and is recognizable in radiographs as an epiphyseal line, which marks the zone of fusion between the epiphysis and daphysis occuring when growth in length has ceased. The epiphyseal fusion of bones occurs progressively from puberty to maturity.
Bones can be viewed kind of like reading trees rings to determine or the key word "measure". That is the whole point, measure, not eyeball and guess.
Even the age of a person can be determined by studing the ossification centers in bones: 1) Apppearance of calcified material in the diaphysis and/or epiphyses. 2)Disappearnace of the dark line representing the epiphyseal plate (absence of line).
Bottom line, is bone is a dense, hard, but slightly elastic connective tissue (206 bones in a human). The key being to stack the 206 for the game. It is permeated by many blood vessels and nerves. It is alive and is composed of osteocytes and calcified collogennous intercellular substanc arranged in thin plates (bone tissue).
The skeletal link (segment) moves around an axis that passes through a joint and along a plane. However there are unique movements of each persons joints. Although the movement of joints are (basic)similar, around similar segmental axes and along similar segmental planes, there are many exception from the anatomical human.
So how does one use judgment to determine what you need? Even using 3D, they still just hang a plumb-line? This is too "basic", but its not their race, so who cares? In free space, the entire body may move around. That is why our Wobble-naught CAD works so well. It takes the 3D articulations within the joints and their movements around longitudinal axis and along a transverse plane. Not just looking from outside, watching the skin move over a joint. Give me a break!!!
What is important, is its bony landmarks. A groove or prominence on a bone that serves as a guide to the location of another body structure, mainly muscles. Most skeletal muscles are attached directly or indirectly through tendons to bones, cartilages, ligaments, or fascia, or to some combination of these structures. We don't know of them pushing?
When a muscle contracts and shortens, one of its attachments usually remains fixed and the other one moves. A origin (usually the proximal end) that remains fixed during muscular contraction. The other end is the insertion (distal end of the muscle that is movable). Sounds simple yes "NAUGHT".
Some muscles can act in both directions under different circumstances. Therefore, voluntary muscles can vary due to the lack of a person's controls. You can control many of you muscles at will only with great focus and much time learning "how", it is not automatic.
FACT: Skeletal muscles produce movement by shortening, the , they pull on a line and never push!
To take advantage of this, you have to stack the landmarks on the bone just so!
The architecture and shape of the skeletal muscles do vary i.e. muscle's length is the distance between its bony attachments. So we place you right dead in the middle of the belly of the muscle. The trick is understanding that muscles run oblique angles(like a wet towel twisted).
So how do we know, the correct tension when moving at 5000 strokes per hour? We read them over the course of a time to better determine what you need to work on! Its that simple! We can even see if your foot is toed-in or toed-out too much. The muscle actions will inform us!
Answer: We read the electrical actions and record the differences. The Myo-facts sEMG/Dartfish changes your world. Just ask anyone who has used it!!!
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