In NASCAR they inspect the intake to make sure everyone runs the same intake. The same is not true for cycling. Many have tents and other means to gain an edge when they show up to a race! Is having the means, the resources fair for the racer who don't? At what point do we say "NO" in order to get the play ground the same? When do we start running the same gas! Is having a tent at home to change your gas exchange fair when there is no rule to stop it?
Sport is about being one's own person in accordance with one's own character rather than as influenced by others to win at all cost!
Some know how to exhale better than others while on a bike! Why? Some time in their life they had to learn it. Yes it makes a difference and really kicks in when climbing or going at a hard pace!
If you want to find the smallest of %, this is the kind of stuff that will make a difference. It also makes you feel better as a person than the mind that has to cheat to gain an edge!
Many who ride will do anything to get better, tents, drugs, etc... to gain an edge over others? They will justify it some how e.g. such and such does it and to win I need it! We feel that just learning how to use your body is the best choice and true to sport. Perhaps we should check how many cups of coffee someone has before we ride? Ha!
We think that everyone needs to run the same fuel, the same air intake for their motors and those who have the means of tents, etc... race others who have the same resources.
What about learning to use the muscles?
• In both the male and female three layers of muscle form the anterolateral abdominal wall. The internal oblique muscle is the middle of these.
• Thoracolumbar fascia.
• Anterior two-thirds of the intermediate line of the iliac crest.
• Lateral two-thirds of the inguinal ligament.
• The posterior fibers insert into the cartilages of the lower three or four ribs.
• The fibers arising from the inguinal ligament merge with the lower part of the aponeurosis of transversus abdominis, forming the conjoint tendon, which is attached to pubic crest and pecten pubis.
• Between these extremes, the muscle gives rise to an aponeurosis which splits into anterior and posterior layers which are attached (medially) to the linea alba and xiphoid process.
• The anterior layer blends with the aponeurosis of external oblique .
• The posterior layer extends up as far as the margins of seventh to ninth costal cartilages.
• In the lower part of the abdominal wall, the whole aponeurosis of the internal oblique attaches to the linea alba.
Nerve supply
• Ventral rami of the lower six thoracic and first lumbar nerves.
• Together with the external oblique and transversus abdominis muscles, the internal oblique raises the pressure within the abdominal cavity and pelvis.
• When the thoracic cage and the diaphragm are fixed at a time within movement, this muscle assists in defecation, micturition, and parturition.
• When the diaphragm is relaxed, this group of muscles pulls down on the ribs, which forces the contents of the abdomen and the diaphragm upwards to produce forced expiration. On the bike it is better to force the expiration.
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