Sunday, March 14, 2010

Idaho's New Team Escalera Goes (1-2-3) in Idaho's first race.

Watts Up?

They are perfecting their "WN style" in training, with lots of concentration that will make them a presence of other riders. This explains why our science has extraordinary domination. This is not inborn and the science doesn't care who your are. The fact is, it just makes you better!

Boise's WN Team

WN spent most of this past Friday going over how important the pedal stroke is. There is a lot of bad info out there. There are many new fitting systems that are not more than the plump line idea.
Most of them don't even have the cleats setup as part of the fitting process?

How can you use a fitting system that doesn't understand the stance boundaries needed to make the correct interface with foot and pedal? Are we missing something here?

For example: You can have the best golf swing, but if the club doesn't make perfect contact with the ball, don't expect the ball to go!!!

1) What about the heel plateau in space that can denote a shorter limb?
2) What should the central plateau at midstance of the foot look like?
3) Do you have a stalling style pedal stroke?
4) Do you have a chronic low back pain or patello-femoral knee pain from a bouncy style?
5) Where do the loads really go?

We can and we can even track the "center-of-force" with our new science! There are 13 regions and 3 segmental lines shown on a template and we can automatically calculate the areas and show you your pressure profile from the bottom of your foot, within your shoe where the foot meets the footbed or shoe.

Escalera Racing is flexing their muscles and rode away from the field. They not only WN but just went 1-2-3 and even held hands across the finish line. Remi McManus could not be more pleased, as Remi kowns we are the real deal fitting system, not hype!

Members of Team Exergy compete in races across the country from North Carolina to Oregon and are tuned up for the upcoming spring season.

Watts Up?

produces the results?

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