Cycling is not like other sports e.g. distance running and swimming, its highly variable nature include (race tactics, courses, drafting, and environmental conditions, and that means that it is difficult for cyclists and their coaches to accurately use competitive performance to monitor to achieve optimal performance.
Not unlike navy seals, you must overcome the environmental conditions! You have to identify the specific strengths and weaknesses of an athlete's physiology that may influence the achievement of a particular goal.
With that, you hands don't always stay warm, and you can't feel the hoods. No matter! Your center of balance comes from your ears.
Hearing and balance can be divided into 3 parts: external, middle, and inner ears. The external and middle ears are involved not only in hearing, but can be used to check the winds! The inner ear functions in both hearing an balance. The inner ear contains the sensory organs for hearing & balance. It consists of interconnecting fluid-filled (endolymph) tunnels and chambers within the petrous portion of the temporal bone.
You have to learn your balance, as it is not what you do in the normal daily activities. You have to train your brain and sense other parts of the body to move in & out of balance.
You can't let cold numb hands slow you down! You have to learn to balance from the eyes, or better yet the seat of your pants!
As the head changes, such as when a person bends over (to get more aero), the maculae respond to the changes in position of the head, relative to gravity by moving in the direction of gravity.
As a person begins to move in a given direction, the semicircular canals begin to move with the body, but the endolymph tends to remain stationary relative to the movement (momentum force; in the opposite direction).
There is more balance disorder's in people than you would know. Think about when things go numb? The brain must adjust to these unusual signals, or symptoms may result such as headaches and dizziness.
That means you have to get out on the bike and put in the time for the brain to adapt!
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