Monday, October 27, 2014

Big congrats to Flavia who just learned that she is the Brasilian National Road Champion! 2014. She finished second in the race but it has just been determined that the first place finisher is disqualified. Look for her next spring in the championship kit!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

You know it doesn't come easy!  Do what Serghei Tvetcov has for the last few years, getting focused on the things that matter, having a break-out 2014 season and you can laid a 2 year job!  Serghei has a mind willing to learn...  He also knows, you can jump in over your head... and out you go...
Smart move to race for Androni Giocattoli for 2015-16.

Tvetcov signs with Androni Giocattoli for 2015